Sunday 2 September 2012

In our class we are starting a reading theme on spiders. So far we have made connections with what we already know and we have had to fill out a data gathering sheet to show the different places we are going to go to in search of our information. We will use our library, our internet, people and information from home. Some of us are researching projects, others are selecting main ideas in text and others are reading and making inferences. Below is the start of our reading display and Mrs Millar  has put two chocolate spiders on our web - mean !!!

In writing we have abandoned our recounts for a week as the senior speeches have popped up !!! We are trying to have our recount plans and final published works done by the end of next week. So far our speech plans are going well and we are now putting our information on to cue cards. Our class finals are this Thursday and the Lions Club finals are on Friday in Room 3 at 11.00 am. Our speeches can only be 2- 3 minutes long. If you are visiting school come in to Room 4 and read our cool stories and recounts on our wall.
If you have been to school lately you may have seen our works of art in the sandpit. Room 4 studied the height of each of the three volcanoes and we have tried to recreate them in out pit. Watch out for eruptions though and boiling hot crater lakes - enter at your own risk !!! There is also a lovely zoo under creation in one corner of the sandpit.

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